Post Construction Options
My Garden Is Built - What Are The Best Possibilities For It Now?
In some cases this is where our involvement in your garden project will be finalised and the drawings will be signed over to you. Upon request however we do get involved in the subsequent stages of your project. We may have an involvement as project managers whereby we will seek quotations from suitably qualified and experienced landscape contractors and then upon choosing a contractor, work with them right through the construction phase of your garden build.
We do, on occasion with selected projects, also get involved directly with the construction of your garden project through the use of our own in-house landscaping company and this is often a desirable option for our clients who prefer to deal with a single trusted individual start to finish.
As with any garden, big or small, there is always a level of maintenance required to sustain or indeed develop your garden further as it matures. There are several option available here which we may have an involvement in, ranging from periodic visits to provide advice to clients who have opted to maintain their own garden, right through to a full year round garden maintenance contract where everything is taken care off by a landscape maintenance contractor

If I am to maintain my own garden, how much work am I personally willing to put into the upkeep my garden?
The simplest way to answer these questions is to ask yourself how much you are likely to want to set aside on a yearly basis to maintain your garden. Some clients are quite accomplished and indeed enjoy maintaining their garden and for them they may not need to establish any budget. Other may be quite willing to carry out all the physical labour involved but just require advice from time to time from an experience horticulturalist or tradesman. Yet again some may be willing to carry out all the menial day to day tasks such as weeding, power washing, and general tidying up but do not possess the knowledge or have the will to carry out heavier operations such as pruning, soil work or hard landscape routine repairs.
For them the services of a landscape maintenance contractor are required. This can taken the form of anything from a monthly visit, to seasonal visits to a once a year visit. Finally there are those who have no interest in maintaining a garden themselves and are more than happy for that service to be fully provided for by frequent routine year round visits which may comprise of anything from a once a week visit, to a once every 10 days, to a once a month visit.
What standard of upkeep am I looking for, or at least willing to accept?
This is where the standard of the up keep you are willing to accept comes into focus but obviously the more maintenance put in the higher the standard of up keep. We can provide the full range of these maintenance choices and can tailor design the best option to suit your requirements and budget.
As an alternative option we can also provide a series of instruction fact sheets specifically tailored to your gardens requirement throughout the year, in that way you may be encouraged to carry out some or all the maintenance work yourself or alternately hand over this maintenance booklet to someone who you believe can carry out the prescribed work competently.