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Ashbounre Meath

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Project Description

A relatively small back garden in a new development  with an existing poor lawn and significant soil and drainage problems. The garden had a slight incline of approx. 20 cm and the rear of the house generally faced north.

Client Brief

Despite its small size, the client had ambitious  visions for it and as a absolute prerequisite  they requested that a naturalistic water feature form a major component of the garden plan. To the point that they were happy to reduce the size of all other elements of the garden in order to be able to integrate a water feature, to include a pond and waterfall. They also requested that a built-in seating area be tied into a patio area adjacent to the water feature. Wherever possible natural stone was to be used to clad or built all the garden features.

Design Solution

The water feature as the defining showcase element, would take up approximately a quarter of the garden space. It would include a naturalistic pond shape with various depts down to 75cm and directly adjoining a circular patio area. A water fall with an upper small retention pond, would be constructed with Donegal quartz. The patio would be constructed with Indian yellow limestone. A seating area would be built using Donegal quartz to partially circumcircle the patio. Incorporated to the rear of this would be a raised planting area. Planting would also be an elemental part of the water  feature, both surrounding the waterfall area and in pond planting such as water lilies and oxygenating plants. A Semi-circular lawn adjacent to the house would also have planting adjoining it. Indian limestone would also be used to replace the existing concrete path at the rear of the house.  


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